Terms and Conditions

Surftunnels VPN Service Policy

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

Surftunnels provides VPN services for secure and private internet access. This policy document details the terms of use, privacy policy, and user responsibilities for our services.

1.2 Scope

This policy covers the aspects of user registration, data handling, acceptable use, and responsibilities when using Surftunnels VPN services.

2. User Registration and Account Management

 2.1 Account Registration

Users must ensure that the registration information provided is accurate and complete.

2.2 Personal Information Collection

During registration, we may collect personal information, such as email addresses and billing details. Surftunnels is committed to protecting your privacy.

2.3 Account Security

You are responsible for all activities under your account. If you suspect unauthorized access, contact Surftunnels immediately.

2.4 Subscription Usage and Expiration

You must use your subscription within the designated time period. Once the subscription expires, Surftunnels is not responsible if you did not use it within the allotted time.

3. Privacy and Data Policy

3.1 No Logging Policy

Surftunnels does not store or log browsing history, traffic destination, data content, or DNS queries to ensure your privacy.

4. Refund and Cancellation Policy

4.1 Money-Back Guarantee

Dear valued Surftunnels customers,If you find that you are unable to access your desired website within 24 hours and have not consumed any traffic for downloading during this period, provided that the source website is not experiencing a technical issue, we assure you that you are eligible for a money-back guarantee.

5. Acceptable Use and Compliance

5.1 Lawful Use

The service is for lawful purposes only.

5.2 Prohibited Activities

  •  No Unsolicited Content: Sending or transmitting unsolicited advertisements or content is prohibited. 
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Obtain permission before using copyrighted or proprietary content. 
  • Prohibited Content: Do not post, transmit, or distribute content that is illegal, hateful, threatening, or incites violence. Explicit depictions of minors are strictly forbidden. 
  • Non-Inhibitory Conduct: Avoid conduct that restricts others from using the service. 
  • IP Address Usage: Do not use, distribute, or compile lists of IP addresses associated with Surftunnels.

5.3 Service Misuse

Surftunnels reserves the right to take measures against misuse or abuse of the Services, including terminating accounts.

6. Modifications to the Policy

6.1 Ongoing Policy Evolution

Please note that this policy document is not the final version and may be updated in the future. Surftunnels is committed to continually improving its services and policies to meet the evolving needs of our users and to remain compliant with legal and regulatory changes.

6.2 Staying Informed

We encourage our users to regularly review our policy document for any updates.

Significant changes will be communicated to our users through appropriate channels, including email notifications and announcements on our service platform.

7. User Validation and Responsibilities

7.1 Identity Validation Requirements

To validate user identities and ensure that our users are real Iraninan individuals, Surftunnels requires you to provide your national code and mobile number during registration. After purchasing a plan, we perform an identity validation using a third-party service named Shahkar. This online service confirms your identity, and we do not save any of your data related to this ID validation in our system.

7.2 Confidentiality of Validation Information

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your national code and mobile number. Do not share this information with others.

7.3 Accountability for Misuse

You are responsible for any violations or illicit activities conducted through the use of the IP address assigned to you by Surftunnels. This includes, but is not limited to, any form of online violence, unlawful activities, or breach of internet security protocols. It is imperative that you use Surftunnels services responsibly and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

8. Contact and Support

8.1 Customer Support

Contact Surftunnels through support[at]surftunnels.com, admin[at]surftunnels.com, or online chat.

درخواست شما با موفقیت ثبت گردید

کاربر گرامی، درخواست شما با موفقیت ارسال گردید و در انتظار بررسی قرار گرفت
اطلاعات ارسال شما توسط کارشناسان ما بررسی و نتیجه آن از طریق ایمیل به شما اطلاع رسانی خواهد شد

بررسی درخواست بین 2 تا 24 ساعت طول خواهد کشید. پیشاپیش از صبر و شکیبایی شما سپاس گذاریم

Dear valued Surftunnels customers, if you find that within 24 hours you are unable to access your desired website, provided the source website is not experiencing any technical issues, we assure you that you are eligible for a money-back guarantee. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.