Can Iranians Abroad Also Be Covered by Social Security Insurance?

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If you live or study abroad and want to know more about social security insurance for Iranians living abroad, this article will answer many of your questions. The good news is that if you have a history of paying social security insurance, you can complete your insurance history to receive retirement benefits.

Over 4 million people live outside the borders of our country. Many of these compatriots have a history of mandatory social security payments as self-employed, mandatory, or free professions before leaving Iran. According to the announcement by the Social Security Organization, these individuals can continue to pay their insurance premiums under certain conditions and procedures and enjoy pension and medical services like insured individuals in the country.

What you will read in this article: 

  1. Information system for insurance requests for Iranians abroad
  2. Available methods for social security insurance for Iranians abroad
  3. What are the age conditions for insurance requests for Iranians living abroad?
  4. Method of calculating the insurance premium income base for Iranians living abroad

4.1. How are medical examinations for Iranians living abroad conducted?

  1. Frequently Asked Questions

Information System for Insurance Requests for Iranians Abroad

If you live in a European country or another continent and have started or continue to pay insurance premiums, you can proceed through the special social security system to benefit from social security insurance coverage for Iranians abroad. Simply visit the Iranian social security insurance system abroad and carefully fill out the form.

This system has an electronic form to collect information such as family name, identity document, date of birth, contact number, email address, country, and city of residence. You should note that accessing the security system, like Launching the Shad application for students abroad, requires having an Iran IP.

Also, if you have a history of insurance, you must provide it. After completing these steps, the organization will review your information and send you a letter to continue the process. It is worth mentioning that registration in this system is not dependent on having or not having a job.

But the question we need to answer is how can we use the social security website abroad? As we mentioned, to connect to domestic systems and websites, it is necessary to use an Iranian IP. Therefore, practically, foreign users cannot access Iranian websites unless you change your IP using a VPN like Surf Tunnels and place it within the range of domestic Iranian IPs.

This way, you will be able to use domestic systems quickly and securely. Remember, when using systems like the social security system, the security of information is of great importance. This issue has made it difficult to trust just any VPN. That is why we recommend Surf Tunnels to you.

Available methods for social security insurance for Iranians abroad

There are three methods available to receive services for insured individuals under the social security insurance of Iranians abroad, which you can choose based on your conditions:

  • The first method is to visit in person.

The first way to arrange and receive social security insurance services for Iranians abroad is to use it for those who are still inside the country. In this case, you can visit one of the hundreds of branches of the Social Security Organization across 31 provinces of the country and apply for an insurance code and opt for substitute (independent or self-employment) insurance. If a person lives abroad and works for an employer in that country, they can benefit from mandatory insurance services. However, be aware that to receive unemployment insurance under these circumstances, you must be in Iran.

  • The second method is to follow up through a lawyer.

If you are not a resident of Iran and wish to receive social security insurance services, you can do so through your lawyer. Of course, the person you have given power of attorney to can help you with registration and insurance. However, if you want to do this, it must be specified in the power of attorney that dealing with insurance matters with the Social Security Organization and general power of attorney is not acceptable.

  • The third method is to visit one of the brokerage branches where you reside.

Finally, if you do not meet the conditions of the previous two methods, you can visit one of the Social Security Organizations in many countries to benefit from the advantages of work and insurance for Iranians abroad. In all the mentioned conditions and methods, the Social Security Institute, after completing the initial stages of application registration, will review the required forms and within a maximum of 60 days from the date of application, will confirm your insurance eligibility. After receiving insurance services or being declared ineligible, you have a maximum of 30 days to sign the contract, pay the insurance premium, and process it.

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What are the age conditions for insurance requests for Iranians living abroad?

According to the conditions of social security insurance for Iranians abroad, you must be 18 years old to be insured outside the borders of Iran. Also, individuals over 50 years old will not be subject to these conditions. If you are over 50, you must have a history of insurance payments in any form with the Social Security Organization. For example, a 55-year-old must have at least 5 years of insurance payment history.

Only individuals under 50 years old who have 10 years of insurance payment history in Iran are exempt. Also, parents cannot apply for insurance for children under 18 years of age. This is because, according to the laws of the Iranian Ministry of Labor, citizens under 18 are not subject to the labor law and therefore will not be subject to the law of the Islamic Republic’s Social Security Organization.

If you live abroad, to connect and access the electronic social security system or the Shad program for students abroad, and other entertainment programs like Aparat and Namava, etc., you need to have purchased an Iranian VPN. For more information about VPNs, you can read the article “What is a VPN?”.

Method of Calculating the Insurance Premium Income Base for Iranians Living Abroad

Do you know how the social security insurance salary base for Iranians abroad is calculated? If you live abroad and work for an employer in Iran, you have the opportunity to benefit from mandatory insurance services, and the basis for calculating the insurance premium is the same as for workers covered by the labor and social security law of the country. That is, 20% is the employer’s duty, 7% is the worker’s contribution, and 3% is unemployment insurance.

Otherwise, your independent insurance will be calculated. Therefore, if you have less than 60 months of insurance payment history in Iran, one-fifth of the minimum wage, which is determined and announced annually by the Supreme Labor Council at the end of Esfand month, will be the basis for calculating the insurance premium payment.

Another condition is that if you live abroad and have a history of more than 60 months of insurance payments. In this case, your insurance premium will be calculated from the average salary of the previous year’s insurance payments before your application is registered. For example, if you applied in 2021, the average salary in 2020 will be used to calculate the insurance rate. However, it is not less than one-fifth of the minimum wage announced by the ministry, this amount is the annual work and the basis of the minimum wage.


How are medical examinations for Iranians living abroad conducted?

The medical examination is one of the important stages in the registration process for Iranians living abroad for insurance, which you need to be familiar with. To perform this step, there is no need to visit the trusted medical staff of the Social Security Organization in the country, and you will not have any problems if you are not in the country at the time of application. The Social Security Organization has considered conditions for conducting medical examinations abroad in accordance with domestic standards through a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

To do this correctly, you must visit the representations of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the country where you live, or completely official agencies, so that your identity can be verified based on your national ID card and passport.

The medical examination form will be provided to you after this stage, and you can take it to a doctor approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Social Security Organization. Once the doctor has completed the examinations, it must be approved by the representation of Iran in the country of residence. Please note that all these documents must be translated and sent by registered mail.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the information system for insurance requests for Iranians abroad?

If you live in a European country or another continent and have started or continue to pay insurance premiums, you can proceed through the special social security system. Simply visit the Iranian social security insurance system abroad and carefully fill out the form. This system has an electronic form for collecting information such as family name, identity document, date of birth, contact number, email address, country, and city of residence.

What are the age conditions for insurance requests for Iranians living abroad?

According to the conditions of social security insurance for Iranians abroad, you must be 18 years old to be insured outside the borders of Iran. Also, individuals over 50 years old will not be subject to these conditions. If you are over 50, you must have a history of insurance payments in any form with the Social Security Organization.

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